Third-Party Sponsorship Billing
A Third-Party sponsor is an entity that has agreed to pay all or a specified portion of a student's tuition and fee-related charges to the Regents of the University of California on behalf of the University of California, (collectively, UCI). The Third-Party sponsor billing relationship is one in which UCI bills an external agency or company for all or part of a student's tuition and fees. This Third-Party sponsor agency or entity is referred to herein as the "Third-Party sponsor or sponsor".
Third-Party Sponsorship Billing Quick Requirements
1: Third-Party Contract Agreement The student must complete the online UCI Financial Services Third-Party Contract Agreement at least 30 days before each terms published fee payment due date. |
2: Third-Party Financial Guarantee/Authorization Letter The Third-Party sponsor must submit a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter on the sponsor organization letterhead to thirdpartybilling@uci.edu . |
See sections below for complete details.
To be considered for the Third-Party Sponsor Billing process, the following requirements must be met:
- The student must complete and execute an online Third-Party Contract Agreement.
- The sponsor must email a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter to the Financial Services Third-Party Billing Team at thirdpartybilling@uci.edu . If there are multiple students receiving sponsorship from the agency or company, a list may be submitted on a single Guarantee or Authorization Letter provided the terms of the agreement are the same for all students. If the terms are different for any student, then a separate Guarantee or Authorization Letter must be provided for that individual.
The Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter must be on the sponsor organization’s letterhead and must include the following information:
- Student’s Legal First and Last Name.
- Student’s UCI ID #.
- Dollar amount of the sponsorship per term.
- Duration of sponsorship – be specific and state for what Term(s) and Academic Year the sponsorship is for.
- Organization’s name, billing address and email address for invoice submission.
- Contact information for the authorized organization representative including name, phone number and email address.
- Signature of authorized organization representative.
- Restrictions, if any, e.g., SHIP Premium.
- The student must complete and execute an online Third-Party Contract Agreement at least 30 days prior to each quarter’s published payment due date to ensure that UCI has an adequate time to approve and apply a conditional credit to the student’s ZOT Account. To avoid processing delays and loss of student status, Third-Party Contract Agreements must be received by these dates:
Third-Party Contract Agreement Submission Deadlines
Term | Submission Deadline Date |
Fall Quarter | August 15 |
Winter Quarter | November 15 |
Spring Quarter | February 15 |
Fall Semester | July 15 |
Spring Semester | November 15 |
Summer Session | May 10 |
- It is the student’s responsibility to pay any charges/fees not covered by the sponsor Guarantee or Authorization Letter by each term's billing due dates.
- It is the student’s responsibility to inform UCI of any changes in sponsorship coverage and/or any changes to the sponsor agency or sponsor company contact information.
- It is the student’s responsibility to resolve any financial holds that may prohibit enrollment activity and/or effect their UCI student status.
- It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their current contact information with both their sponsor and UCI.
- UCI requires that a completed and executed Third-Party Contract Agreement must be on file for each individual student Third-Party Sponsor Billing relationship.
- UCI will not honor or recognize any restrictions or contingencies, such as review of grades, receipt of transcripts, or other customized sponsor requirements prior to payment. If a sponsor desires to only pay the student fees after requirements are met, UCI will not be involved in that process. The student must make payment to UCI by each fee payment deadline and then seek reimbursement from the sponsor themselves.
- Tuition and fees not paid by the sponsor for any reason, including payments not received by the invoiced payment due date will result in the fees being moved back to the student account at which time they will become immediately due and payable by the student.
- Third-Party Sponsor Billing is offered for tuition and mandatory campus-based fees. Charges such as room and board, books, supplies and admission applications cannot be billed to a sponsor.
Upon UCI's approval of the Third-Party Contract Agreement and the Sponsor Financial Guarantee or Authorization letter, a conditional credit will be applied to the student’s account for the term(s) specified in the Third-Party Contract Agreement.
The sponsor will be billed for the academic term(s) as outlined in the Sponsor Financial Guarantee or Authorization letter.
Students who are not receiving full payment of tuition and fee-related charges must pay their portion by the published term payment due date to secure their class registration. Students who have not paid their portion are subject to enrollment cancellation.
Students under a Third-Party Sponsor Billing Agreement whose sponsor fails to pay the authorized charges within 30 days of the invoice date will be subject to immediate reversal of their conditional credit and will be responsible for payment of any balance due.
UCI reserves the right to deny, revoke, and/or terminate any Third-Party Billing Sponsorships if the sponsor is delinquent in paying any invoices or amounts due to UCI, even if such amounts due are unrelated to a specific student with a Third-Party Contract Agreement and Sponsor Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter.
UCI reserves the right to deny a Third-Party Sponsor Billing arrangement to a student whose account is in arrears or has been referred to an agency for collection.
For payment options go to Financial Services Payment Options. To ensure proper credit to a student's account, please provide the student's UCI Student ID number with all submitted payments.
Payment by the sponsoring agency is due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Sponsoring agencies may mail check payments or pay via ACH/wire transfers.
Make checks payable to UC REGENTS.
Checks must be mailed to:
UCI Payment Services
228 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1975
To set-up ACH/WIRE transfers, contact the Financial Services Third-Party Billing Team at thirdpartybilling@uci.edu .
If payment is not received within 30 days of the invoice date, the sponsor and student are jointly and severally liable for all fees allotted to the sponsor and the student will no longer be granted the privilege of registering without payment.
If neither the student nor the sponsor remits payment, the student's account will be subject to normal UCI actions for non-payment, possibly resulting in the student’s ineligibility to register for classes, the student being dropped from classes, and/or the loss of student status.
The student and sponsor agree that California law will control this arrangement with UCI. The student and the sponsor further agree the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any and all actions arising out of or brought under this arrangement is the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Orange and consent to personal jurisdiction in said court.
1: What is a Third-Party Sponsor? A Third-Party Sponsor is an entity that has agreed to pay all or a specified portion of a student’s tuition and fee-related charges to The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the University of California, Irvine (collectively, UCI). |
2: What is a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter? A Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter is a letter from the Students Third-Party Sponsor authorizing UC Irvine to invoice the Third-Party Sponsor for the student's tuition and fees. |
3: Does the sponsor need to submit a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter each term? Yes, the sponsor must submit a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter for each student being sponsored each term (quarter/semester). |
4: What happens if no payment is received from the sponsor? Tuition and fees not paid by the sponsor for any reason, including missed due dates will be moved back to the student account at which time they will become immediately due and payable by the student. |
5: Does the sponsor need to submit separate Guarantee or Authorization Letters for each sponsored student? If there are multiple students receiving sponsorship from the agency or company, a list may be submitted on a single authorization letter provided the terms of the agreement are the same for all students. If the terms of the agreement are different for any student, then a separate Guarantee or Authorization Letter must be provided each student with different terms of agreement. |
6: When should the sponsor expect to receive the Third-Party Sponsor Billing invoice? The Financial Services Third-Party Billing team will invoice the sponsors after the add/drop date each quarter. Sponsors will receive an email once invoices are available. One invoice will be provided per term. |
7: Does the sponsor pay all the charges billed on the student’s account? A sponsor may not pay some charges billed on the student’s account – e.g., Health insurance premium (SHIP), Food Pantry fee. |
8: Can the student submit an online Third-Party Contract Agreement for multi-year sponsorship? No, the student should only submit an online Third-Party Contract Agreement for one Academic Year. A new contract submission is required for the next Academic Year. |
9: Can the Sponsor submit a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter for multi-year sponsorship? No, a Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter cannot extend past one Academic Year. A new Financial Guarantee or Authorization Letter is required for the next Academic Year. |