Payment Options
UCI no longer accepts prepayments for future terms or overpayments on student accounts. Please pay only the amount due on your student account.
- Please realize that the university is not a bank.
- If a charge is not billed on your ZOT Account Online, payment should not be sent to the university.
- The university will not accept and/or hold excess payments on the student's account that are intended for living or other personal expenses.
- Payments for living or other personal expenses must be sent directly to the student.
E-Check Payments may be made by students or their guests from a U.S. checking or savings account in Transact Payments, UCI's third-party online payment processor, accessed through ZOT Account Online. When you select "Make a Payment," both your bank account and bank routing number are required. Please be advised that debit card numbers are not bank account numbers and should not be used for this method of payment.
Online payments are due by 5 p.m. on payment deadlines. A $25.00 fee is charged for returned ACH payments.
UCI accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards online only. These payments may be made by students or their guests in Transact Payments, UCI’s third-party online processor, accessed through ZOT Account. Transact Payments charges a 2.85% non-refundable processing fee for all domestic card payments and a 4.25% non-refundable processing fee for all international card payments. They charge a minimum service fee of $3.00 for all debit/credit card transactions in the amount of $106.00 or less.
Online payments are due by 5 p.m. on payment deadlines. A $25.00 fee is charged for returned card payments.
Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks, and Money Orders should be made payable to: “UC Regents,” issued in U.S. dollars, and drawn on, or payable through a U.S. bank.
Reference your UCI student ID number on the front of all items.
- Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks, and Money Orders can be dropped off at the Financial Services Drop-box outside Aldrich Hall's main entrance facing the flag pole/bus loop.
- Or by mailing your check or money order payment to:
UCI Payment Services
228 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1975
Mail-in payments must be received on or before deadlines to avoid possible disenrollment if paying for registration charges. UCI is not responsible for carrier delays and does not honor post-marked dates.
There is a $25.00 charge for items returned by your bank for any reason.
UCI Financial Services Central Cashiering no longer accepts cash or takes in person payments.
- For more information visit: UCI Goes Cashless .
International student payments are only accepted through UCI's authorized wire service providers, Flywire and Convera GlobalPay.
For more information, visit the International Payments webpage.
529/Prepaid College Plans are flexible, tax-advantaged accounts designed specifically for college savings. Once you request funds from your college plan provider, checks should be made payable to UC Regents (not the beneficiary) with the UCI student ID number referenced.
Please remit your payment to UCI Payment Services well in advance of the registration fee deadline to avoid late fees and disenrollment. Contact your plan administrator directly if you have specific questions about your plan.
UCI Payment Services
228 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1975
Pay your quarterly registration fees in three monthly installments using the PACE Plan. A participation fee applies. Any requests to enroll in the PACE Plan after the fee deadline must be approved by Campus Billing and Collections. Please email your request to cbs@uci.edu and a staff member will assist you with a PACE Plan if you are eligible.
For more information, visit the PACE Payment Plan webpage.
To learn about UCI's benefits available to veterans, please visit UCI Veteran Services Center.
Students who have their registration fees paid by a third-party sponsor should refer to the Financial Aid Office for undergraduate information or the Graduate Division for graduate information.
Information regarding Financial Aid can be found at UCI Financial Aid and Scholarships.