ZOT Account Basics
Your ZOT Account reflects charges billed to you, as well as credits and payments made to your account. Generally, balances are due by the 15th of every month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, your balance will be due on the next business day.
To view your ZOT Account, go to zotaccount.uci.edu.
- Always review messages in your UCI mailbox.
- Make sure your UCI mailbox does not get full. If your mailbox becomes full, important messages, such as ZOT Bills, cannot be delivered.
- Check your ZOT Account at least once a month to ensure you have not missed any charges posted to your account.
For difficulties logging into ZOT Account, please contact Office of Information Technology (OIT) for assistance.
Understanding Your ZOT Account
Please see sample page below. Messages may appear at the top of the page alerting you to the status of your registration fees for the selected term:
- If your fees are unpaid, you will see a reminder about the fee payment deadline.
- Be sure to resolve any warnings about holds, past-due balances, late penalties, and other conditions affecting your registration.
- The Enrollment section lists the criteria for your registration fee assessment. For example, a senior may be billed as a “full-time, resident, undergraduate” student. Also refer to the Registrar’s website for detailed information about your Current Enrolled Units.
- The Financial Aid Eligible Units count excludes units for courses you passed before, but are repeating this term. Be sure to meet your Minimum Required Units (MRU) to apply financial aid and/or graduate support to registration fees.
- The Fee related transactions section displays details for your registration fees and the credits designated to pay them.
- Click the blue Registration Fees link to see the component fee amounts. For information about individual fees, refer to the Registrar’s Description of Fees webpage.
- Note that unpaid registration fees and unused payments/credits do not have applied dates. Click the blue Unapplied link for a discussion of holds and conditions which may prevent posted financial aid and/or graduate support from applying to your registration fees.
Please see sample page below.
- You must pay an amount that covers any past-due charges, or arrange to pay those items before registering.
- Payments and credits must be applied (not just posted to your account) such that your registration fees are paid in full by the published deadline.
- Be aware that various holds and conditions prevent payments and credits from applying. You are responsible for addressing these situations so your registration fees are paid on time.
- You may see a charge on your ZOT Account with a future due date. This may cause the Amount Due and the Account Balance to show different amounts on your bill when you are making a payment. If you wish to pay the charges due in the current month, please select the Amount Due when making your payment online.
- When restricted payments/credits cannot be applied to unpaid charges on your ZOT Account, the UCI ZOT Account Balance and UCI Housing Only payment fields display in Transact Payments to allow payment of unpaid charges.
For example, if you have a past due Housing charge that cannot be paid by a financial aid credit on your student account because you have not met the minimum required units (MRU) for your aid to apply, the UCI Housing Only payment field will display in Transact Payments. This allows you to pay the past due Housing charge by e-Check or Credit Card.
You may see a charge on your ZOT Account with a future due date. This may cause the Amount Due and the Account Balance to show different amounts on your bill when you are making a payment. If you wish to pay the charges due in the current month, please select Amount Due when making your payment online.
When restricted payments/credits cannot be applied to unpaid charges on your ZOT Account, the UCI ZOT Account Balance and UCI Housing Only payment fields display in CASHNet to allow payment of unpaid charges.
For example, if you have a past due Housing charge that cannot be paid by a financial aid credit on your student account because you have not met the minimum required units (MRU) for your aid to apply, the UCI Housing Only payment field will display in Transact Payments. This allows you to pay the past due Housing charge by e-check or credit card.