Debit/Credit Cards accepted online
UCI accepts debit/credit card payments online through our third-party service provider, Transact Payments, for charges posted to your ZOT Account. American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa may be used. Transact Payments charges a 2.85% non-refundable processing fee for all domestic card payments and a 4.25% non-refundable processing fee for all international card payments. They charge a miniumum service fee of $3.00 for all debit/credit card transactions in the amount of $106.00 or less. Debit/Credit Cards are not accepted for in-person payments.
UCI Goes Cashless
Starting July 2024 UCI Financial Services Central Cashiering will no longer accept cash payments.
Visit UCI Goes Cashless for more information.
UCI no longer accepts prepayments for future terms or overpayments on student accounts. Please pay only the amount due on your student account.
- Please realize that the university is not a bank.
- If a charge is not billed on your ZOT Account, payment should not be sent to the university.
- The university will not accept and/or hold excess payments on the student's account that are intended for living or other personal expenses.
- Payments for living or other personal expenses must be sent directly to the student.