UCI Goes Cashless
In response to the Division of Finance and Administration (DFA) goals of increasing efficiency and reducing costs, Financial Services is implementing a cashless work initiative. What does this mean?
- As of July 1, 2024, Financial Services no longer accepts cash payments in any deposits.
- Student and non-student payments are no longer accepted at the Central Cashier Office window in Aldrich Hall.
- Deposits and student payments (no cash) are still accepted online, through the mail, and in the Drop-box located outside the Central Cashier Office at Aldrich Hall.
To help ensure student safety and reduce costs. We have become increasingly concerned regarding the safety of students arriving at our office with tens of thousands of dollars in cash to pay their tuition and fees. By no longer accepting cash payments, costs for armored car services as well as other cash dependent expenses can be reduced, if not eliminated.
- E-Check (ACH)
- Debit/Credit Card
- Personal Checks
- Cashier's Checks
- Money Orders
- International Payments via Flywire or Convera GlobalPay
- 529/Prepaid College Plans
- PACE Payment Plan
- Veteran Benefits
- Third-Party Payment Sponsors
- Financial Aid
Please visit Payment Options for more details.
UCI Payment Services
228 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-1975
Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks, and Money Orders should be made payable to: “UC Regents,” issued in U.S. dollars, and drawn on, or payable through a U.S. bank.
All checks should reference the UCI student ID number on the front for student payments or the invoice number for non-student payments.
Students can make electronic/on-line payments in U.S. currency using E-Check (ACH) or Debit/Credit Cards via their ZOT Account and UCI's business partner Transact Payments. Students can also grant access to other authorized users to make electronic/on-line payments on their behalf.
International student payments are only accepted through UCI's authorized wire service providers, Flywire and Convera GlobalPay.
For more information, visit the International Payments webpage.
Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks, and Money Orders can be dropped off at the Financial Services Drop-box outside Aldrich Hall's main entrance facing the flag pole/bus loop.
Checks should be made payable to: “UC Regents,” issued in U.S. dollars, and drawn on, or payable through a U.S. bank.
All checks should reference the UCI student ID number on the front for student payments or the invoice number for non-student payments.
Money Orders may be purchased at:
Albertsons @ Campus Plaza
4541 Campus Drive
Irvine, CA
- Money Orders can be purchased in amounts up to $1,000 for $.99 cents per money order daily between 8A and 8P.
- Legal identification must be provided if the money order purchase exceeds $3,000.00. Note: foreign passports are accepted.
Money Orders can also be purchsed at:
US Postal Service @ University Town Center
4255 Campus Drive, Ste A100
Irvine, CA
- Please note additional fees will apply. Review the details at the post office for more information on costs, requirements and limits.
Please contact us at cashiers@uci.edu and we will be glad to discuss future payment options with you.
Students can be billed for charges $20 and above using CBSO. The charges appear on the students ZOT Account and can be paid just like all other ZOT Account charges.
For charges less than $20, setting up a department TouchNet marketplace is an available option. The department would manually invoice the student and then direct the student to the department's marketplace so that the student can make an electronic debit/credit card payment.
Please contact us at cashiers@uci.edu and we will be glad to discuss future payments options with you.
Visit Candidacy Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Credit by Exam Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Duplicate Diploma Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Filing Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Intercampus Visitor Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Masters Thesis Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Notary Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Readmission Petition Fee for Graduate Students to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit UG Readmit Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Shipping Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.
Visit Transcript Fee to make an online payment via debit/credit card.