Refunds are issued to students when there is a credit balance on their ZOT Account. The credit balance could be the result of withdrawal from the university, cancellation of enrollment, personal overpayments, or housing or financial aid credit on your account left after all of the charges on your account have been paid in full.
For all payment types except credit cards, refunds are issued directly to the student named on the student account in question, regardless of who made the payment. Per Payment Card Industry standards, a credit card refund is issued back to the credit card used for the original payment.
Before a credit balance refund is released to a student from the ZOT Account, the student must first select a disbursement method. Students have the option to have a check mailed, or funds deposited directly into a bank account.
UCI highly recommends that you use our Electronic Refund solution!
Your refund will reach your bank faster and more securely than snail mail which can delay the receipt of your funds by several days.
How to: Sign-in to your ZOT Account and select “Electronic Refunds”. The link will take you to the DEFT – Disbursements for Electronic Funds Transfer page where you will enter your banking accounting information. For more information, please go to DEFT.
Refunds are based on schedules approved by the UC Regents and are published in the UCI General Catalogue.
The Student Health Insurance Fee is refundable only when the withdrawal form is submitted prior to the first day of the term. Generally, this is prior to the first day of instruction. Refer to the Quarterly Academic Calendar for dates. Undergraduate and graduate students who withdraw beginning the first day of the applicable term and thereafter will remain covered under the Student Health Insurance Plan for the remainder of the term.
Late service charges are nonrefundable.
New Undergraduate Students and New Graduate Students
Prior to and including the first day of instruction, fees are refunded in full, less the nonrefundable Statement of Intent to Register deposit, and the Student Health Insurance Fee as indicated above. On the second day of instruction and after, the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the balance of registration fees paid. Refer to the Standard Refund Schedule below for refund percentages. New students receiving Federal Financial Aid follow a different refund schedule, as shown in the second schedule.
Continuing Undergraduate and Continuing Graduate Students
Prior to and including the first day of instruction, fees are refunded in full, less a $10 service charge and the Student Health Insurance Fees as indicated above. On the second day of instruction and after, the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the balance of registration fees paid. Refer to the Standard Refund Schedule below for refund percentages.
Students Living in Campus Housing
Contact the UCI Housing Office regarding your contract and possible refund.
Law Students
Visit the School of Law web site for the Withdrawal Refund Schedule.
Standard Refund Schedule
Part or the entire refund amount will be applied to any financial obligations you may owe to the university, such as financial aid, student loans, library fines, etc.
See the section on Tuition and Fees Refunds in the UCI General Catalogue for more information.
Calendar Days | Percentage Refunded |
On or before first day of instruction | 100% |
2-7 | 90% |
8-18 | 50% |
19-35 | 25% |
over 35 | 0% |
Calendar Days | Percentage Refunded |
On or before first day of instruction | 100% |
2-7 | 90% |
8-14 | 80% |
15-21 | 70% |
12-28 | 60% |
29-35 | 50% |
36-42 | 40% |
over 42 | 0% |
Information about the Spring 2020 Student Fee Refunds can be found at:
Any financial aid you receive that is administered by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (e.g., scholarships, grants, and loans) will appear on your account and will be applied directly to your institutional charges.
- Financial aid disbursements will appear as a credit on your UCI student account no sooner than 10 days prior to the first day for the term.
- Aid will apply towards any outstanding eligible charges such as tuition, fees, and on-campus housing, if applicable.
- Some types of aid may only be used for certain types of charges (e.g., Cal grant funds are for tuition and fees only). This may mean that you have charges remaining on your account, even if you have received a refund.
- Financial aid refund checks are disbursed after your fees and any other eligible charges on your UCI billing account are paid. Refunds are issued and processed by our Campus Billing and Collections Office. Please Contact Us for questions regarding your refund.
- Expenses such as books, which are included in your estimated financial aid budget, do not appear on your account statement as they are indirect costs. You can use the funds received in a refund to help pay these costs.
- Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized, Unsubsidized and PLUS) payments applied to your account will be lower than the amounts listed on your award notice because the origination fees are deducted.
- Financial aid is disbursed to your student billing account no earlier than 10 days prior to the first day of instruction.
Parent PLUS Loan Refunds
Credit balances resulting from a Parent PLUS Loan are only refunded to the parent named on the loan via USPS. The mailing address for Parent PLUS Loans must be established with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (OFAS). Please be sure to report any changes of address to the OFAS immediately to ensure that Parent PLUS Loan Checks are received in a timely manner.
To ensure your financial aid is disbursed on time to pay your fees:
- Keep your ZOT Account clear of holds and/or past-due charges.
- Remain enrolled in at least 6 units (more units are required to receive the full amount for some awards, such as Pell Grant and Cal Grant B Stipend; refer to Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Login to My Aid.
- For current year disbursement information, see Getting My Aid - Disbursement Dates on the website. For specific information related to your award, login to My Aid.
Lost Checks | Rejected EFTs
If a refund check is lost or mailed to the wrong address, or, if your EFT was rejected at your bank, please contact Financial Services at 949-824-2455.